Membership in the Redwood Shores Tennis Club allows you to attend our tournaments, clinics, drop ins and socials. Members also get access to an online directory of fellow members and access to the RSTC members-only section of the website.
Please note that membership below is for through 2024 tennis season -- that is, your membership will be valid from the day you register until the end of 2024. So register now and get extra 2 months coverage from now to December 2024.
The Social/Supporter Membership is available to non-playing spouses/partners and our community sponsors who generously support the club and/or enjoy our socials. Social/Supporter Members who play in tournaments will pay the $19 non-member (guest) fee.
The General membership is for occasional tournament players (1-4 tournament a year) and participants in our drop in program. Discounted tournament fees of $12/person/registration is available to this group.
The Tournament Membership covers the cost of all of the tournaments individually and is a good option for members who play in at at least 4 tournaments a year.
General public can participate in the tournaments by meeting skill requirement and paying the non-member $19/person/event registration fee.
2024 RSTC Membership Information(covers remaining 2023 too)
RSTC offers 4 participation levels in the club. Please contact if you have any questions or want more information.
Membership Level
Event price
Tournament Membership
All tournaments and social events are included.
General Membership
Discounted $12/event fees. Drop Ins are included.
Social Membership
Social events are included.
General Public – Nonmembers
A la carte
$19/event. Free access to, yet with less drop ins priority