Recap: May French Open Social

June 04, 2009 10:45 AM | Anonymous

Written by Lauri Floresca:

Viva La France!  The French Open Social on Saturday, May 30 was magnifique!  


Somewhere between 30-35 RSTC’ers were greeted at the home of Renato & Lauri Floresca in San Mateo by the red, white and blue French flag covering the front door and dining tables.  A delayed bee sting reaction had sent Renato to the doctor with 2-year-old Zach Floresca, so Lauri was a little frazzled at the start but the set-up crew arrived promptly at 6:15 and pitched right in.  Dennis was sent out for glace (ice) and Cynthia, June, and Ruth helped make labels for arriving French cuisine and took drink orders as guests arrived.  The Kir Royale, a popular French aperitif made with Champagne and Creme de Cassis, was a big hit, as was the selection of Pouilly-Fume (sauvignon blanc), Chardonnay, and Bordeaux (a cabernet blend).  A variety of Belgian beers were available for the non-wine crowd (because that’s what they drink in France!).


The hors d’oeuvres were quickly gobbled up – a selection of fromage (cheese) with baguettes, two kinds of pate, a bite-size ratatouille, and some sort of puff-pastry twist that everyone was talking about.  The dinner buffet opened, and a line stretched through the kitchen as people filled their plates with coq a vin, trout almondine, boeuf bourguignon, two kinds of ratatouille, and several French salads.  By the end almost every dish was scraped clean.  As the beverages continued to flow, we moved on to dessert:  More wonderful fromage, Madeleine cookies, chocolate éclairs, chocolat truffles chez Muzio, cheesecake, and the pièce de résistance:  a mango-raspberry ice cream bombe.  


Oh yes, there was some tennis tournament showing in the background, but clearly the focus of the evening was la cuisine de France.  And by that measure, it was clearly magnifique!

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