First place was won by the Carolinians, captained by Robin George, ably abetted by John Hogan, Steve Hogan, Rick Urrutia, and Laurie Coleman. Second place was won by ever affable John Jordan with the help of Joe Hogan, Don Smith, Kathy Miles, Ed Lee, and Sundar Venkateswaran.
Without knowing the other 2 team names, I'm going to guess the theme of the teams was places famous for BBQ'd meats! Kansas (City) was probably one of the remaining team names. Was Chicago the final team?
Irene Muzio procured the prizes: Olive oil dipping sauces for the 1st place winners, gourmet olives for 2nd place, and rattan wastebaskets (which the prizes were presented in) for the winning captains.
There was a record turnout for the BBQ social. I guess this club REALLY likes BBQ! Ruth and Phil Waters were the hosts: They ordered the meats from Armadillo Willy's and delivered the meats and other items to the courts. Ruth reported that the "new-fangled" BBQ was well received by the members and there were hardly any leftovers.
Rounding out our volunteers, Barb Urrutia took care of courtside refreshments, and Laurie Coleman photographed both the tournament and the social. I'm sure everyone pitched in with the cleanup. Thank you all!