Recap: September

October 04, 2010 11:58 PM | Anonymous

What a busy month September was!


RSTC’s Tennis Junior Jamboree had a light turnout but the 6 kids who came seemed to enjoy it.  The more experienced kids hit balls with one instructor and the younger kids worked on foot drills and hand drills before hitting balls.  They finished with hitting for prizes and everyone won something.  Michael Garb and Robin George provided RSTC snacks and drinks for the hard-working youngers.  The fruit roll-ups and M&Ms were very popular!


The Men’s/Women’s Doubles Tournament was fun.  This tournament was not sold-out – unusual because it is usually quite popular.  A lot of people were out of town.


The vacationers missed not only our fun tournament but a fabulous Polynesian luau at Barb & Rick Urrutia’s island hide-away.  The tiki torches were burning and the ukeles were crooning all night long.  We started with pina coladas, pot stickers, Hawaiian pizza bites, and Hawaiian potato chips.  The main course included Honey Pineapple Teriyaki Chicken with Coconut Rice, Roast Pig (pork), Shrimp, and traditional Hawaiian sides like Baked Beans and Potato Salad, and more.  Desserts included Coconut Chocolate (Birthday) Pie.


Prizes were Salmon and Macadamia nuts to big winners Judy Garb and Bob Porter and Macadamia nuts to Calona Paiko and Steve Hogan.  Congratulations!  Thank you to Barb & Rick for hosting and to our volunteers Robin & Steve George for refreshments, Kevin Yates for the prizes, and John Jordan for photography on the men’s side.  HUGE THANK YOU to Ling Shee for doing a tournament draw and photography.


A week later, we headed to Pajaro Dunes for the warmest weekend we’ve had on the coast.  Irene Muzio brought back the Progressive Dinner with an interesting modification.  We had appetizers in one condo, then split up into 4 condos for cozy dinners and stimulating conversation, and then regathered in one condo for dessert.  The appetizers were Italian-themed with home-grown tomatoes topped with fresh mozzarella, Italian Sausage Stuffed Mushrooms, Peach Bellinis, and more.  Each of the 4 dinners was hosted by 2 couples who made the side dishes and provided the wine that accompanied RSTC-provided ham.  The dessert theme was Pie in the Sky, although it could have been More Pie Than 24 People Should Eat In One Sitting.  Ice cream too!


The tournament was a lot of fun but marred early on by an accident in which Erwin Seibel was struck in the back of his head by an errant serve.  Luckily, it was “just” a mild concussion with a prescription for rest and no alcohol for the rest of the day.  Erwin cheered very loudly from the sidelines.  We were all glad that Erwin was feeling and looking much better!


The Cioppino Dinner was cooked up by Michael Garb and Irene Muzio with appetizers, side dishes, and desserts provided by everyone else.  And leftover pie.  Lots of leftover pie.  THANK YOU to Michael and Irene for orchestrating another wonderful weekend.  We all appreciated it and had a great time.


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