The "heat was on" for June's Team Tennis "Wimbledon" Tournament. Players cooled down with gel-filled neckbands, ice-filled neckbands, a personal misting fan (which was freely shared), and lots and lots of liquid refreshment.
The tennis was very high quality and very enjoyable. Despite the heat, players moved quickly and decisively, searching for opportunities to poach or put away. Points, games, and sets were exciting and well-fought.
The Swedes -- Captain Paul Reinhardt, Annette, June Walker, Karen Brodersen, John Hogan, and Mike Paiko -- won prizes very much in keeping with the social's Swedenzerland theme: Swiss chocolates and Swedish fish (and cookies too!)
Michael Garb's Brits came in second. Jay Muzio's Yanks came in third (they'll do better at the US Open, I'm sure) and Sundar Venkateswaran's Swiss came in fourth (because Roger Federer pulled out at the last moment.)
Thank you to our volunteers: John Hogan organized the tournament, Robin and Steve George brought courtside refreshments, Shane and Jennifer Dickinson bought the prizes, and Laurie Coleman and I snapped pictures. Annette Vernon & Paul Reinhardt hosted the social with Barb Urrutia, John and Nancy Hogan, Monique and Erwin Seibel, Smita Venkateswaran, and Marilyn Ashby, providing setup/cleanup assistance and Michelle King photographing the social.
The Swedenzerland theme was a celebration of the French Open final between Swiss Roger Federer and Swede Robin Soderling. Fortunately, Paul's musings of Swedish meatballs in Fondue, Raclette with a side of herring, Gravlox on Zopf bread, and chocolate lingonberry souffle did not materialize. Well, actually the souffle sounds good! The real thing was even better though. Kladdkaka (Swedish Sticky Chocolate Cake), Swedish Nut Cake, and Swiss Mocha Cake was just the tip of the spoon.