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  • December 26, 2024 7:06 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    November tournament winners: Men's first place prize went to Ken, and second place went to Eugene.  Congratulation! On the Women's side, Mary and Lan tied for first place with 20 points won. Amanda, Mel, and Tracie tied for 2nd place with 19 points. The games were very competitive and fun at the same time. The social was held at the new Highlands Sports Bar on Laurel Street. December tournament winners: First place for the women went to Imelda Mendoza. Second place went to Sarah Ehler. Eugene took first place on the men's side and Nagesh Kittur took second. The tournament was followed by an ugly sweater party in the evening at the home of Steve and Robin George. Thanks to Mel for finding such fun spots to celebrate great tennis and friendship and to Robin and Steve for hosting the Holiday party. Shout-out to volunteers for making the tournaments a success, Mel and our Social Committee, Akosua Grant, Sarah Ehler, and Robin George for the draw, Steve George for court set-up, John Moyer for refreshments and all volunteers for great pics and their help with the tournaments. 

    We had fantastic turnout for our themed tournaments and socials this 2024 season. A small increase in dues helped strengthen our financial position, increasing revenue which helped to provide tournament necessities and prizes along with support for our social events and local donations. Our active membership remains strong at 53, with tournament participation steady, general membership slightly up, and social membership down. We appreciate our relationship with Redwood City Parks and Recreation and their continued support of tennis throughout Redwood City. We look forward to new members and playing fun and exciting tennis in the new year!

  • October 26, 2024 12:25 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    RSTC had another great tournament on October 19. Turnout was high. 21 members came out to compete in our Octoberfest team tennis tournament. Teams: Lagers (T1), Stouts (T2), Pilsners (T3), and Ales (T4) led by captains: Kathy, Tracie, Barb, and Sandipan respectively. Some players were in the spirit and sported Halloween headbands! Team captains and spectators cheered on players as they made great shots down the line and awesome volleys! The sun was warm along with a cool breeze—a pleasant day for tennis.

    Fun and competitive tennis were served up for the day. Tough matches played but only one team came out on top; the Stouts (T2): Sundar, Tracie, Sarah, Ken, and Luis. Winners received a goodie bag with beer nuts and a tennis racquet bottle opener keeping with our Octoberfest theme. Courtesy of RSTC and curated by Robin George.

    RSTC members met at Das Bierhauz in downtown Redwood City for authentic German food and beer. It was so nice to see new faces and OG's enjoying themselves at the social; great job Mel!

    Shout-out to volunteers for making the tournament a success, Mel and our Social Committee, Akosua Grant, Sarah Ehler, and Robin George for the draw, Sundar Venkateswaran for court set-up, Shubh Mondal and Mary Bianco for refreshments, and Ken Richied and Karmele Urtizberea for great pics. It was a wonderful day of tennis and socializing


  • October 12, 2024 12:42 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear RSTC Members,

    Let's wrap up the 2024 season with a festive holiday party to celebrate our members and show appreciation for our board and volunteers! Please check your inbox for a survey sent on 10/11/24, and kindly complete it by 10/19/24.

    This season, we had a fantastic turnout for our themed tournaments and socials. A small increase in dues helped strengthen our financial position, with revenue up by 24.25% compared to the same time last year. Our active membership remains strong at 53, with tournament participation steady, general membership slightly up, and social membership down. We also made a donation to Redwood City Parks and Recreation as a thank-you for allowing us to use the public courts in Redwood Shores free of charge.

    We are seeking volunteers for the upcoming 2025 season, with board positions opening and opportunities for ad hoc involvement. If you're interested in contributing your ideas and time, please reach out to Robin or Akosua.

    We look forward to celebrating with you soon!

    RSTC Board

  • December 11, 2023 5:05 PM | Anonymous

    Dear RSTC Members,

    As we approach the end of our 2023 season, we want to take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers at the club and the board members, especially those vital members taking care of the treasury, social events, court cleaning, communications etc behind the scenes.

    The club survived and thrived post Covid pandemic. We had a good year in 2023 with 10 successful and fun tournaments and our active player membership increased 44% vs last year. We are in solid financial footing and even made a donation this month to Redwood City Park and Recreation for their support in allowing us to use their tennis courts for free.

    We would also like to take this opportunity to call for volunteers. We have board seats open for fresh blood and new ideas, and are also looking for people to help out on an ad hoc basis. If you are interested in participating in the management and operations of the club, please reach out to Amanda, Robin or Rick.

    Happy Holidays.

    Redwood Shores Tennis Club

  • November 12, 2023 4:59 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Fall continues to be perfect for tennis.  The November tournament was a combination of men's, women's and mixed doubles using all 3 courts. The winner for the women was Mudta Sood with 29 games and second place went to Monique Seibel with 26 games.  The men's winner was Sandipan Samaddar with 29 games won. Second place went to Eugene with 26 games.

    The tournament was immediately followed by a social at Blue Oaks Brewery in San Carlos on Cherry Lane.  About 20 people attended.  No host beer and Brazilian food was enjoyed by all, along with lots of laughs.

    Special thanks to Rick and Bob for the draw.  Sundar and Barb for arranging the social, Barb for refreshments, Tracie for photography, and Steve for court set up and blowing leaves off the courts.

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  • November 12, 2023 4:46 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The October tournament was a combination of men's, women's and mixed doubles played at Preserve, Dolphin and Shorebird courts. The women's draw ended in an unusual 3 way tie of 25 games won by Penny Chin, Angela Yang and Mukta Sood.
    The men's winner was Michael Lui with 29 games.  Second place went to Sandipan Samaddar with 26 games won.  Congratulations to all. The tournament was immediately followed by pizza and drinks hosted by the tennis club.

  • November 06, 2023 8:15 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hello everyone,

    Here are the results from our satisfaction survey!

    Redwood Shores Tennis Club - Admin 2.pdf

    Thanks for participating!

  • October 23, 2023 3:58 PM | Anonymous

    Membership in the Redwood Shores Tennis Club allows you to attend our tournaments, clinics, drop ins and socials.  Members also get access to an online directory of fellow members and access to the RSTC members-only section of the website.

    Please note that membership below is for through 2024 tennis season -- that is, your membership will be valid from the day you register until the end of 2024.  So register now and get extra 2 months coverage from now to December 2024.

    The Social/Supporter Membership is available to non-playing spouses/partners and our community sponsors who generously support the club and/or enjoy our socials.  Social/Supporter Members who play in tournaments will pay the $19 non-member (guest) fee.

    The General membership is for occasional tournament players (1-4 tournament a year) and participants in our drop in program. Discounted tournament fees of $12/person/registration is available to this group.

    The Tournament Membership covers the cost of all of the tournaments individually and is a good option for members who play in at at least 4 tournaments a year.

    General public can participate in the tournaments by meeting skill requirement and paying the non-member $19/person/event registration fee.

    2024 RSTC Membership Information(covers remaining 2023 too)

    RSTC offers 4 participation levels in the club. Please contact if you have any questions or want more information.

    Membership Level


    Event price

    Tournament Membership


    All tournaments and social events are included.

    General Membership


    Discounted $12/event fees. Drop Ins are included.

    Social Membership


    Social events are included.

    General Public – Nonmembers

    A la carte

    $19/event. Free access to, yet with less drop ins priority

  • October 23, 2023 3:35 PM | Anonymous

    The RSTC board has approved the following enhancements to our program:

    1. Will add one more tournament on Dec 9th, 2023.

    2. Any new members signing up for membership in the remaining of 2023 will get coverage all the way to December 2024 - that's 14 months coverage for a 12-month price.

    3. Any existing members(General or Social) upgrading to tournament membership for 2024 during the remaining of 2023 will get the remaining tournaments in 2023 covered by the new membership. 

    4. Will add another clinic taught by professional tennis coach in Feb 2024.

    5. Reasonable price increases for 2024, 1st since 2019.

    See you on the court.

    Redwood Shore Tennis Club

  • October 05, 2023 11:57 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The September tournament was a hit with 24 players spread across Preserve, Quay and Shorebird. A combination of mixed, men's and women's doubles was the format. Mary Bianco was the winner for the women and Steve George came out on top for the men. The evening social was a Margaritaville theme, a tribute to the late Jimmy Buffett. It was held at Steve and Robin home.  It was a fun evening filled with music, margaritas, good friends and awesome food! 
    A big thank you to Bob Evans and Rick Chou for the tournament draw, Sundar and Barb for social arrangements, Barb and Sandipan for tournament refreshments and Amanda for prizes.

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