
  • June 08, 2010 7:41 AM | Anonymous

    10 members of the Redwood Shores Tennis Club traveled to Arguello Courts on Saturday to meet a challenge from the San Carlos Tennis Club on their home turf.  SCTC welcomed us with smiles, Starbucks coffee, bagels, danishes, and yogurt.  After warm ups, we trooped out to the 4 courts (nice to have 4 courts in one setting!)  2 members of each team sat out each round which provided opportunity for interclub socializing


    The first round was quite close, with only 2 games separating the clubs.  In the second round, RSTC surged ahead.  Both sides had great shotmakers and runners, making for long and spectacular points.  For example, our Tom hit an overhead at the net – a great putaway – but their Rick chased it down – barely.  Calona hit the ball crosscourt from the baseline to Jan who returned a low volley.  Tom poached the volley, but Rick ran it down again.  That one point probably lasted 15 strokes, with the momentum shifting constantly between the teams, and many of the shots being near-winners.


    SCTC won that hard-fought point but RSTC won the match and eventually the tournament.


    RSTC provided a delicious lunch of Green Salad, Pasta Salad, Chicken Salad Sandwiches on Raisin Bread, Chinese Chicken Salad, Chicken and Wild Rice Salad, Fruit Tart, Cookies, Wine, and Beer.  It was all delicious.


    Thank you to our players for coming out, representing our club with generous line calls and good grace, bringing a delicious lunch, and bringing home the virtual trophy.  HUGE THANK YOU to Jan Enzone and the San Carlos Tennis Club for inviting us and hosting a fabulous friendly tournament.  We hope to see you again next year!

  • June 04, 2010 3:51 PM | Anonymous
    The May event had plenty of thrills and chills,  but a warm, thematic wind from the border arrived just in time. When the hard court dust settled, June Walker and Thomas Edwards were the top woman and man of the day. Later at Casa George, guests were greeted by margaritas, delicious appetizers and an array of tasty fiesta entrees. See the RSTC Blog for full details.

    The original Fiesta Cap....

  • April 27, 2010 7:07 AM | Anonymous

    The Community is cordially invited to the

    Installation Ceremony of the painting


    “September Sunset”


    donated by the artist


    Ruth von Jahnke Waters


    Thursday, May 6, 2010 - 7:30 PM

    3rd Floor of San Mateo Main Library

    55 West Third Avenue, San Mateo


    Reception & Presentation by the Artist

    in the Oak Room following ceremony


    RSVP by May 3rd to 650-522-7802


    For more artist information visit

    Free parking in the Library’s basement garage


  • April 27, 2010 7:05 AM | Anonymous


    Here’s a chance to see what we’ve
    been up to the last 9 months!
    Please join us for an open house

    Date : Sunday, May 2, 2010
    Time : anytime between 2:00pm - 6:00pm
    Address : 969 Industrial road, Suite J., San Carlos

    R.S.V.P. -
    More Info : 650.596.3444

    Light refreshments during the open house

    -The Speedpro Imaging Team-

    Annette, Paul, Jackie and Manny

  • April 25, 2010 6:47 AM | Anonymous

    While other clubs and USTA matches are dodging raindrops with mixed success, the sun continues to shine on RSTC tournaments.  We are so lucky!  On the Wednesday before our tournament there was a downpour.  On the Tuesday after, rain is predicted.  But we had bright sun and good warm weather on Saturday.  With a full roster of players, Tournament Organizer John Hogan opted for 9 rounds of tennis to give everyone plenty of tennis in our April Mixed Scramble.


    Some skeptics doubted that we would finish by our scheduled 2pm time, but Quay Courts finished at 1:58pm and Shorebird Courts finished at 1:59pm.  (You can tell what kind of a club we are by the fact that people actually checked their watches – we love to tease each other!!!)  Kudos to John for organizing a challenging format and for a crisply run tournament that finished exactly on time.


    So at 2pm, we shook hands and hugged and headed off for naps and shopping/cooking.  At 6:30pm, we descended on the Murphy Garden for a “Garden of Eden” themed party laden with a bounty of delights.  Forewarned that shirts, shoes, etc. were required, no one tried to pull off a fig leaf outfit.  Instead, apples, fruits, and vegetables appeared in appetizers and abundance.  A sausage snake winked slyly at us from a bed of onions and pears.  Chocolate desserts provided an abundance of temptation.


    The men’s winner was Stephen Hogan with second place to Michael Garb.  The women’s winners were Ruth Waters in undisputed first place and Karen Brodersen, Barb Urrutia, and Robin George in a tie for second – we spun a record to determine the prize winner.  First Prizes were tomatoes and Buzzy’s “Flower Growing Kit”.  Second prize was Buzzy’s “Mini Tomato Growing Kit”.


    Thank you to Barb Urrutia for tournament refreshments, Kathy Miles for the prizes, and Ruth Waters and Sundar Venkateswaran for tournament photography.  Thank you to Cynthia Hunton and Dennis Murphy for opening their home for the social, and to the clean up crew of Natalie Jordan, Nancy Hogan, and Barb Urrutia.


  • March 29, 2010 4:41 PM | Anonymous

    Wow, what a beautiful weekend we were treated to!  Perfect temperatures and no wind, even on the Quay Courts.  There was no excuse not to play our best tennis!


    Well, except March Team Tennis was the FIRST tournament of the season, so we had some rust to knock off.  With only 18 players, everybody got LOTS of tennis to do just that.


    Ivan Quinones, tournament organizer, put together 4 teams, captained by Karen Brodersen, Sundar Venkateswaran, Tom Salles, and John JordanIn keeping with RSTC’s philosophy of fun in the sun, the captains cooperated in trying to make match-ups that would be competitive.  The scores reflected Ivan and the captains efforts as 3 teams ended up with very close scores: 46, 44, and 43 games won.  Sundar's team won with 59.  Congratulations to Sundar, Steve Hogan, Eric Nielsen, Don Smith, and Laurie Coleman.  The prizes assembled by Janice Carter will be useful all year – a handy canvas bag (with dividers to hold 6 bottles of wine at another time) was stuffed with tennis essentials, including balls, a first aid kid, headband, etc.


    Barb Urrutia provided courtside refreshments.  Paparazzi were John Hogan, Laurie Coleman, Ling Shee, Janice Carter, Sundar Venkateswaran, Janice Carter, and me. 


    The Mixed Scramble Tournament is April 24.  Registration is open for members now and will be open for non-members a week before the event.


    Finally, fyi, Redwood Shores courts are being cleaned and resurfaced this week by the City of Redwood City.  The courts are scheduled to be closed this week and reopened by the weekend.  I don’t know how rain will affect the project.


  • March 23, 2010 10:07 AM | Anonymous

    Redwood Shores Tennis Club had a great turnout at Membership Mania. We had club members coming just to say hello after not having seen each other for awhile.  Some played tennis all day with us.  Some just socialized.  We had quite a lot of new players inquiring about what the club is about.  Almost every new player was able to play one or more sets with us and enjoy some tennis on a beautiful Sunday.


    We had a nice breakfast laid out of colorful donuts, bagels and cream cheese, strawberries, bananas, and a nut-cranraisin mix.  Starbucks coffee and orange juice were thirst quenchers.


    In case you missed us at Membership Mania, what RSTC is about is tennis and fun!  Our members enjoy friendly tennis by day and dinner parties by night.  Most tournaments are changing partners, so you play with many different people.  Members can enjoy the socials whether or not they played in the tournament during the day.


    We are an all volunteer club so everyone pitches in to make the events fun.  Many hands make light work, plus there is no better way to meet and get to know people!  6 volunteers contributed to Membership Mania’s refreshments and many people took turns heading the information table to answer questions.


    Our first tournament of the year, Team Tennis, takes place Saturday, March 27.  The next one is a Mixed Scramble in April.  For more information on any of our events, a calendar of events, or to submit a membership application, visit  If you have questions, email me at


    Happy Spring!

    Karen Brodersen, President, Redwood Shores Tennis Club

  • February 21, 2010 11:21 AM | Anonymous

    It’s raining, it’s pouring, and our thoughts turn towards spring and tennis.  The Redwood Shores Tennis Club wrapped up our 2009 season in January with a rollicking holiday party at Vivace’s in Belmont.  Now, we are eager to start playing tennis again.  It’s time to restring your racquets and buy new shoes.  Our 2010 Membership Mania is right around the corner on Sunday March 21 from 9am – 2pm.  We will be providing breakfast snacks on Shorebird Courts as an accompaniment to tennis – come with racquets and any questions.  ALL TENNIS PLAYERS WELCOMED!


    Our first tournament will be the following weekend on Saturday March 27 and the format is friendly Team Tennis.  It is a great way for new members to become acquainted with the club because you will be assigned to a team and playing with a small group of people all day (against other teams.)  Sign up on-line at our website.


    For more information about RSTC, please visit our website  We hope to see you on the courts!

  • November 21, 2009 2:10 AM | Anonymous

    The Redwood Shores Tennis Club ended our tournament season with Team Tennis with a Twist.  I won’t tell you what the twist was, but none of the players had heard of it before, they LOVED it, and we will be doing it again next year.  Join us next year to learn the secret!


    Winners of our first ever TTT Tournament were the Apples, with Ivan Quinones (captain), Steve Hogan, John Hogan, Ruth Waters, Evelyn Sell, and Robin George.  The Oranges came in 3 games behind.  Yes, we compared Apples to Oranges!  Prizes were, coincidentally, apples (cookie), apples (chocolate), and apples (tea).


    The evening social was an Iron Chef Competition held in the remodeled kitchen of Irene and Jay Muzio.  Irene won Presentation for her pretty Caramel Apples, Barb Urrutia won Taste for an Apple Chutney Bruschetta, and Doug McCracken won Originality for Apple Burritos.  The secret ingredient was, of course, apples.


    Thank you to the RSTC Board, officers, and volunteers for a fantastic year.  Our last remaining event is our holiday party to be held January 30, 2010 at Vivace’s.  We’ll hang up our aprons for a night to enjoy an elegant evening with a fantastic 4-course dinner, followed by a spirited white elephant gift exchange.

  • October 24, 2009 9:00 AM | Anonymous

    During the deluge on Tuesday, I was glumly sure that the Redwood Shores Tennis Club’s October tournament would be rained out, although I took small hope in the fact that the weekend forecast was “mostly cloudy”.  Who would have thought Saturday would be warm and sunny??  It was a perfect day for my favorite sport.


    We played Fixed Mixed Doubles Tennis.  Several husband/wife teams played and we paired up unmatched players.  A novel handicapping system made the day fun for all levels of players.  Cynthia Hunton & Dennis Murphy won on Shorebird Courts.  Janice Carter and Sundar Venkateswaran won on Quay Courts.  Prizes included a cactus in a ceramic pumpkin pot, pumpkin bread mix, and chocolate.


    Thank you to our volunteers this month: Tournament director Karen Brodersen, Annette Vernon for courtside refreshments, Cynthia Hunton and Dennis Murphy for imaginative prizes, and photographers Karen Brodersen, Bob Brodersen, and RIck Urrutia.


    After a hearty day of tennis, we were all too tired to make it over the hill to Half Moon Bay so RSTC held our own Great Pumpkin Festival.  Hostess Janice Carter decorated with carved pumpkins and the spicy scent of pumpkin candles filled the night air.  We had a lovely view of the Bay Area lights as we dined on Caramelized Apple Salad, Bean Pot, a beefy pasta, and a pair of pumpkin infused rices.  Dessert consisted of Pumpkin Pilgrim Cake (tasted like a heavenly combination of pecan pie and pumpkin pie), Chocolate Pumpkin Pie, pumpkin cake decorated with fluffy white frosting and candy pumpkins, and much more.  Many kids-at-heart were noshing on the candy corn.


    Thank you to June Walker for setup assistance, clean up crew Barb Urrutia, Laurie and Pat Merrill, and Jeanette Collins, and photographer RIck Urrutia.

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